Batching plants - Batching plants for prefabrication
We are specialized supplier of batching plants and concrete transport systems for the concrete prefabrication. We have designed and delivered many concrete-producing systems tailored to the individual requirements of our clients. Our plants are compatible with the well known production lines of manufacturers such as HESS, REKERS, SCHLOSSER, OMAG, ZENITH, AME.
MARPO plants are provided with INNOVATIVE CONTROL SYSTEM.
Our batching plants for dry masses are equipped with:
- High class planetary mixers with capacities from 500 to 3000 liters. Planetary mixer is providing fast and precise mixing of all the ingredients. It also has great reliability. Satellites spin around their axis and move all the way around the large diameter of the main stirrer. The power is delivered by only one engine. The gearbox of this mixer is constructed on the internal toothed bearing circle, a durable and reliable solution which was possible to accomplish thanks to special materials and the long-term practice in technology of manufacturing. The main characteristic feature of the planetary mixer Saturno is mixer's low bed (single-part) that has slightly enlarged diameter which results in lower than usual layer of mix. This condition has an influence on a very accurate mixing of all the components in a shorter than usually time.
- Aggregates storage silo is manufactured as a steel bins settled in a row (in-row silo), or in the tower-shape version. Row silo can have from three to eight chambers with the capacities from 10 to 60 cubic meters each. Outlets of those aggregate chambers are closed by pneumatically controlled bars, conveyor or screw feeders. Dual-hole aggregate outlets guarantee good emptying of chambers. The grade of opening of the outlets is controlled mechanically. The aggregate feeding control system assures that the dose in the last phase of cycle is very precise. The chambers of fine aggregate are equipped with vibrating plates, which make the emptying very efficient. The aggregate bins can be automatically filled through the conveyor belts or the bucket elevator.
- Loading skips have good protections: from falling (double cable), tight outlet to the mixer, emptying of the load is easy thanks to outlet hole made through the whole length of the hopper's bottom as well as the steep angle of internal walls.
- Computer system of water dosing is based on changes of magnetic-field inside the mixer registered by the HYDRONIX microwave measuring probes. System defines actual moisture of the mixture inside the mixer and corrects it until it reaches the moisture level set by the operator.
- High class electronic scales. All the ingredients of mixes (aggregates, cement, water and chemical additives) are fed by weight according to the present EU norm - EN-206,
- We use very efficient screw cement feeders produced by German company - WAM. They have such a good drives that the control system with their help can dose the cement very precisely (by the impulse) without the need of use any gate valves.
Our batching plants are equipped with the high class automatic control system SYSBET II, based on the computer microprocessor SIEMENS S7-300. In the year 2008 a module shortening the time of water dosing to the mixer was added to the system. It was qualified by the experts from Technical University in Poznan as the TECHNICAL INNOVATION, fulfilling the standards taken under consideration during the investment award financing programme by the European Union.
The features of the SYSBET II system:
- Possibility of the free configuration according to the client requirements,
- System provides precise water dosing to the mixer under control of water/cement rate, based on Hydronix probe indications.
- Thanks to unusual ease of use, system can be operated by an averagely trained personnel,
- The properties of dosed ingredients (coarse and fine dosing, automatic weighing of material, precise time of dosing, tolerance errors in percents, scale load analysis within the time function allowing to define the condition of the scale, etc.) can be freely configured.
- For each scales the parameters can be defined. For example: tolerance of emptying, time of emptying, time of break, time of vibrations and levels of moving the material. Setting those parameters by the operator is recommended when there are used materials with different weight, granulation, viscosity (different aggregates, various chemical additives, etc.)
- Feeding the mixer can be freely configured (flood order, time of emptying the scale and skip, as well as split times between stirs), so individual aggregates and cements can be added according to their physically-chemical properties in a way to get ready mix as soon as possible.
- System records daily consumption of materials and total amounts produced in automatic mode of work, furthermore these data can be displayed and printed for the certain (chosen by the user) period.